Treatment protocol for cleft lip and cleft palate

The common problems that are faced by cleft children and their parents are related to appearance, nutrition and speech. As the child grows up, multiple surgeries are required to be performed to restore good health and appearance and for the child to lead a normal life.




At birth

Feeding Plate  

Sucking milk

2-3 months  

Lip repair  

Feeding and appearance

9-11 months

Palate repair  

Sealing the communication gap between the mouth and nose to enhance feeding & speech

3 years +

Pharyngoplasty  (if needed)

Correction of nasal sounding speech (by preventing escape of air through the nose ) 

Speech Therapy  

Improving pronunciation

3 years   

Premaxillary setback  (in case of bilateral cleft)

Creation of labial vestibule (space between lips and upper front teeth), speech and esthetics  

3 years

Cleft alveolar bone closure using BMP


Closing alveolar cleft and enabling normal teeth eruption

7 years

Cleft alveolar bone closure with bone grafting

Closing alveolar cleft and enabling normal teeth eruption

13 years

Cleft orthodontics (correction of malaligned teeth)

Normal positioning of teeth

14-16 years  

Rhinoplasty  (nose correction)


Depending upon the severity of the cleft, these procedures may be performed

Distraction Osteogenesis  

Upper jaw advancement  

Orthognathic Surgery (jaw correction surgery)


Secondary Corrections  
